Basic Katakana-3
In this section we introduce the following 10 characters. |
コ ko
This character should be easy for you to figure out, just remember you are to use
only two strokes!
コアラ koala koala bear
コース koosu course
Now, write the two words above, on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ロ ro
The leftmost vertical bar comes first. Otherwise, it's the same as コ.
ローマ Rooma Rome [capital of Italy]
コロン koron colon [English punctuation mark]
Again, whether the
original English sound is [lo] or [ro], the same ロ is used in Japanese.
Try the two words above, on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
フ fu (or hu)
Only one stroke for this one.
フロア huroa floor
フルートhuruuto flute
Whether you type hu
(Nihon-style) or fu (Hepburn-style), the computer will give you フ.
Now, write the two words above, on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ワ wa
Simply add a little vertical bar/dot before writing フ.
タワーtawaa tower
ワイフ waihu wife
Try the two words above, on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ウ u
The topmost dot is first, then write ワ.
ウインストン Uinsuton Winston
タウン taun town
Practice the two words above on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ハ ha
Just remember both strokes start from the top and go down.
Hawai Hawaii
ハノイ Hanoi
Hanoi [capital of Vietnam]
Try the two words above on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ホ ho
This character goes left to right, top to bottom and then left dot, right dot.
ホース hoosu hose, horse ホスト hosuto host
Now, write the two words above, on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
チ chi (or
This character has the same stroke order as ケ,
only the position of the strokes is different.
Chiri Chile
ランチ ranchi lunch
Whether you type chi
(Hepburn-style) or ti
(Nihon-style), the computer will give you チ.
The actual
sound is neither the English [chi] nor [ti].
Try the above two words on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
テ te
This character is similar to ラ,
but requires three strokes.
ホテル hoteru hotel
テスト tesuto test
Practice the two words above on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
エ e
This is an easy one: left to right; top to bottom; left to right. The bottom stroke
should be longer than the top stroke.
エラー eraa error
アロエ aroe aloe [a name of a plant]
Try the two words above on your PC.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.