Kanji from Lesson 26 (continued)
飛行機 ひこうき
後ろ うし(ろ)
隣 となり
隣でしょう。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
酒井 さかい
酒井さんは何ですか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
部長 ぶちょう
酒井さんは部長ですか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
山川さんは課長でしょうか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
山川さんは社長でしょうか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
酒井部長のお宅は会社のそばでしょ? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.