Kanji from Lesson 27 (continued)
考え かんが(え)
いい考えですね。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
意見 いけん
いい意見ですね。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
巣鴨 すがも
巣鴨のどの辺ですか。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
地図 ちず
地図、かきましたか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
描きます か(きます)
地図を描きましょう。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
掻 か(きます)
掻きましたか? Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
裏 うら
この紙の裏にお願いします。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
表 おもて
この紙の表にお願いします。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.