Kanji from Lessons 37 (continued) & 38
随分 ずいぶん
随分安くなりましたねえ。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
お母さん (お)かあ(さん)
お母さんはおいくつですか。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
お父さん (お)とう(さん)
父は一昨年なくなりました。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
親 おや
両親 りょうしん
両親はニューヨークにいます。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
死にます し(にます)
父は一昨年死にました。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
ご免なさい (ご)めん(なさい)
ご免なさい。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
兄弟 きょうだい
ご兄弟はありますか。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.
姉 あね 姉
姉は21です。 Write the sentence in the window below. Your PC should support Japanese characters.