Complex Characters

Complex characters are combinations of two or more kanji to create a new meaning. Sometimes these characters simply repeat a simple element to represent a new idea. For instance, "woods" and "forest" are represented by writing "tree"  a number of times. Other "complex characters" bring together different kanji to make use of their different meanings. Some examples of such "complex" kanji are introduced below:


meaning:     bright

on reading:  メイミョウ

kun reading: かるい


The combination here of the kanji for the sun and the moon means "brightness" or "bright".

Recall that the sun and the moon are the brightest things in the world in ancient times when the kanji were created.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        rest, a day off

on reading:     キュウ

kun reading:    やす 

The left-side element is   while the right-side is  . This character symbolizes a person beside a tree, i.e. "resting". 

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:       man (male)

on reading:   ダンナン

kun reading:  おとこ

This character is a combination of and , symbolizing power (working) in the rice field.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:         woods

on reading:      リン

kun reading:    はやし

Two trees are placed together to represent "woods".

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        forest

on reading:     シン

kun reading:   もり

Three trees are placed together to represent "forest".

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:         flame

on reading:      エン

kun reading:    ほのお

The kanji is written twice, as shown above, to represent "flame".

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:    between

on reading:  カン

kun reading: あいだ

This character shows the sun between the two pillars of a gate.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:     hear, listen

on reading:  ブン

kun reading: ()

An ear is seen inside a gate.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:          see

on reading:      ケン 

kun reading:   

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            east

on reading:         トウ

kun reading:       ひがし

This character shows the sun coming up behind a tree, which is written to represent the direction east.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

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