composed with Radicals (3)

(3) Tree

is used as a radical to form certain kanji which represent words having something to do with trees or wood.


meaning:           check and correct

on reading:        コウ

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meaning:           persimmon

on reading:        

kun reading:      かき

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meaning:           pear

on reading:        

kun reading:      なし

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meaning:           peach

on reading:        トウ

kun reading:      もも

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meaning:           cherry (tree)

on reading:        オウ

kun reading:      さくら

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机                    L50

meaning:            desk

on reading:         

kun reading:       つくえ

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meaning:            machine; opportunity

on reading:         

kun reading:       はた

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meaning:            village

on reading:         ソン

kun reading:        むら

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meaning:            sheets [counter for plates, paper, boards, etc]

on reading:        マイ

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meaning:           plants; to plant (something)

on reading:        ショク

kun reading:      うえ  

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meaning:            root

on-reading:         コン


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