composed with Radicals (3)
(3) Tree
木 is
used as a radical to form certain kanji which represent words having something to do with trees or wood.
校 L9
meaning: check and
on reading: コウ
Write the character in the window below.
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柿 L16
meaning: persimmon
reading: シ
kun reading: かき
Write the character in the window below.
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梨 L16
meaning: pear
on reading: リ
kun reading: なし
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
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桃 L16
meaning: peach
on reading: トウ
kun reading: もも
Write the character in the window below.
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桜 L31
meaning: cherry
on reading: オウ
kun reading: さくら
Write the character in the window below.
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机 L50
on reading: キ
kun reading: つくえ
Write the character in the window below.
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機 L26
machine; opportunity
on reading: キ
kun reading: はた
Write the character in the window below.
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on reading: ソン
kun reading: むら
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
枚 L23
sheets [counter for plates, paper, boards, etc]
on reading: マイ
Write the character in the window below.
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植 L29
meaning: plants;
to plant (something)
on reading: ショク
kun reading: うえ
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
根 L59
on-reading: コン
kun-reading: ね
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.