

meaning:            child

on reading:         

kun reading:       

Practice writing this character using the video as your guide, and also handwrite it a number of times on the worksheet.

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            mouth

on reading:        コウ

kun reading:       くち

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            eye

on reading:         モク

kun reading:       

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            ear

on reading:         

kun reading:       みみ

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            hand

on reading:          シュ

kun reading:       

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        rice paddy

on reading: 

kun reading:  

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        vehicle, car

on reading:     シャ

kun reading:  くるま

Suppose you are looking down at a cart.  

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        fish

on reading:    ギョ

kun reading: さかなうお


Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:            a well

on reading:         セイ

kun reading:      

In the past, on the top of a well there would generally be a lid with a grid resembling this character.  

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

meaning:            gate

on-reading:        モン

kun-reading:      かど   

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


meaning:        umbrella

on reading:    サン

kun reading:  かさ


Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

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