Basic Katakana-5
 In this section the following katakana are introduced. 


This character is only two strokes.

ムーン muun                moon

クリーム  kuriimu       cream

Now practice the two words above on your PC.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


First write , and then add the last short stroke.

メール meeru            e-mail

アメリカ Amerika      America

Try the two words above on your PC.  

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


The vertical stroke must start from just below the upper bar, and it must turn to the right at the end. Compare with .

In addition, be careful not to confuse with . When writing , the vertical bar is slanted to the right and it goes through the upper horizontal bar.

Furthermore, is sometimes confused with . For , the upper bar is written from right to left, slightly downward, while the upper bar in goes from left to right and stays very close to horizontal. Also with , the final vertical stroke goes down slightly to the left, while the vertical stroke in goes down and turns right at the end.

モーテル mooteru        motel

コスモス kosumosu      cosmos

Practice the two words above on your PC.  

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


The vertical stroke here must be straight. If you turn it to the right at the end, you will write . Be careful of this.

can sometimes be confused with . The last vertical stroke in starts from above the horizontal bar while the last stroke in is short and starts from well below the horizontal bar.

ヤンキー Yankii         Yankee

マヤ MAYA Maya

Now, write the two words above on your PC.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


Be careful not to confuse with . The bottom bar in goes past the vertical stroke ending to its right, while with the bottom bar ends when it reaches bottom of the vertical stroke.

ユネスコ  Yunesuko              UNESCO

マルセーユ Maruseeyu            Marseille

Try the above two words on your PC.  

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


is formed by adding another horizontal bar between the two horizontal bars of .

ヨーヨー yooyoo         yoyo

コヨーテ koyoote       coyote

Practice writing the above two words on your PC.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

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