Basic Katakana-5 READ & RECOGNIZE

Now you should be able to read the following words. Read out loud and write the words with your PC. Guess the meaning before looking at the explanation.


1. マリア [important Christian figure]
2. キム [a Korean surname; an English female name]
3. モーター  [makes things move]
4. マーチ [a way of walking]
5. カラヤン [Austrian maestro]
6. ヒマラヤ [the Roof of the World]
7. メキシコ [a central American country]
8. ケニア [a country in Africa]
9. モンタナ [a US state]
10. ヨセミテ [a national park in the USA]
11. エスキモー [Alaskan natives]
12. モスクワ [a Russian city]
13. ユーラシア [a large continent]
14. メモ [a short document]
15. ラーメン [Chinese noodles in Japan]
16. ユースホステル [YH]
17. メンテナンス [keeping machinery, buildings, etc. in good condition]
18. ユーロ [a new currency]
19. ムース  [the largest type of deer]
20. スイートホーム [there is no place like it]

Now practice writing all these new words on your PC and/or the worksheet.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

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