Basic Katakana-4 READ & RECOGNIZE

Now you should be able to read the following words. Read out loud, and then type them with your PC using the Roman letter keyboard. Guess the meaning before looking at the translation.


1. キース [an English male name]
2. ステーキ [usually cooked]
3. コーヒー [drunk worldwide]
4. カヌー [a boat]
5. ソーラー [to do with the sun]
6. ルナ [the moon]
7. セールスマン [vendor]
8. テナー [male vocal]
9. ソロ [play by oneself]
10. ライセンス [a permit]
11. ネール [once an Indian leader]
12. ミラー [an English surname]
13. ミレー [a French painter]
14. モネ [a French painter]
15. ホーソン [an English surname]
16. ニールセン [a Scandinavian surname]
17. クリスマスセール [seasonal sales campaign]
18. ストライキ [a labor action]
19. ストライク [as in baseball]
20. ソテー [type of cooking]
21. ミイラ [a preserved dead body]
22. センス [perception]
23. コネ [an abbreviation of an English word]
24. ナレーター [story teller]
25. リニヤ [of a line]
26. ウースターソース [type of sauce]
27. ケーキ [eaten with coffee or tea]
28. マナー [behavior]
29. ワニス [type of paint]
30. テリーヌ [French food]
31. ヒント [tips]
32. ミステーク [error]
33. ヒロイン [female character]
34. ヒーロ [male character]
35. マネー [funds]
36. ナルシスト [one with excessive love for self]
37. ヒート [associated with fire] 
38. キニーネ [medicine for malaria]
39. セミナー [a training session]
40. ヒースロー [an airport in UK]
41. ナイル [a river]
42. ローヌ [a French river]
43. ヌートリア [an animal]
44. アイヌ [the original inhabitants of Hokkaido]
45. アテネ [an ancient Greek city]

Now practice writing all these new words on your PC and/or the worksheet.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

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