composed with Radicals (5)
(5) Road
The radical that takes up the bottom-left corner represents
"road", which you will see is related to the meanings of all the following kanji. |
道 L4
meaning: road
on reading: ドウ
kun reading: みち
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
通 L24
meaning: street, go through,
pass, commute
on reading: ツウ
kun reading: とお
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
辺 L24
meaning: area (as in "around some place")
on-reading: ヘン
kun-reading: あたり
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
| |
近 L40
on reading: キン
kun reading: ちか (い)
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
far, distant
reading: エン
kun reading: とお (い)
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
返 L28
meaning: return
on reading: ヘン
kun reading: かえ
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
違 L11
meaning: differ, wrong
on reading: イ
kun reading: ちが
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.
週 L33
meaning: week
on-reading: シュウ
Write the character in the window below.
Your PC should support Japanese characters.