composed with Radicals (6)

(6) Sun

The radical shows up in many sun-related kanji, though sometimes you will find it between or next to other elements.


meaning:            morning

on reading:       チョウ

kun reading:      あさ

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meaning:           daytime, lunch

on reading:       チュウ

kun reading:      ひる

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           evening

on reading:       バン

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           time, o'clock, hour

on reading:        

kun reading:      とき

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           days of the week

on reading:        ヨウ

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           warm

on reading:       ダン

kun reading:      あたたか

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:          (atmospherically) hot

on reading:        ショ

kun reading:       あつ

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            calendar

on reading:        レキ

kun reading:       こよみ

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            reflect

on reading:        エイ

kun reading:      うつ うつ

Write the character in the window below.

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