composed with Radicals (7)

(7) Rain

The radical is used as a radical for weather-related kanji; you will notice that when writing it, ample space must be left over for the element underneath.


meaning:            snow

on reading:         セツ

kun reading:       ゆき

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters. 

meaning:            cloud

on reading:          ウン

kun reading:        くも

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters. 


meaning:            thunder

on reading:         ライ

kun reading:       かみなり

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

meaning:            electricity

on reading:         デン

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters. 


meaning:            fog

on reading:         

kun reading:       きり

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.

meaning:            haze     

on reading:         

kun reading:       かすみ

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters. 

meaning:            frost

on reading:        ソウ

kun reading:       しも

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters. 

meaning:            dew

on reading:        

kun reading:       つゆ

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


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