composed with Radicals (9)

(9) Person

The radical is a variation on ; hence, following people-related kanji.


meaning:           make, create, manufacture

on reading:        サク

kun reading:      つく

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使                     L17

meaning:           delegation; use

on reading:       

kun reading:      つか

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meaning:           servant

on reading:        ボク

kun reading:      しもべ

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meaning:           visit

on reading:        

kun reading:      うかが

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meaning:           individual; [counter for lumps and pieces]

on reading:        

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meaning:     communication, trust

on reading:  シン

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meaning:            borrow

on reading:         シャク

kun reading:        りる

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meaning:            follower

on reading:         キョウ

kun reading:       ともどもそなえ

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meaning:            reside

on reading:         ジュウ

kun reading:       

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meaning:            serve

on reading:        

kun reading:       つかえ

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            replace, represent

on reading:         だいたい

kun reading:       わる

Write the character in the window below.

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便                     L11

meaning:            convenience; excrement

on reading:         ベン、ビン

kun reading:       たより

Write the character in the window below.

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