composed with Radicals (10)

(10) Woman

is used as a radical in the following kanji, which were clearly thought to be related to women when they were created:


meaning:            elder sister

on reading:         

kun reading:        あねねえ さん

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meaning:            younger sister

on reading:         マイ

kun reading:       いもうと

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            daughter

on reading:         

kun reading:        むすめ

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            marriage

on reading:         コン

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           like, good

on reading:        コウ

kun reading:      ()

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:             dislike

on reading:          ケン

kun reading:        きら()

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:            begin

on reading:        

kun reading:       はじ めるはじ まる

Write the character in the window below.

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meaning:           happy, glad

on reading:       

kun reading:      うれ しい

Write the character in the window below.

Your PC should support Japanese characters.


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